
Refer to this page for general instructions for the service

Getting started

Taking the service into use

For individual schools just fill the very short form on the front page and once we've verified your information, you will receive an email with access to the service.

For cities and counties, please contact us directly to create user accounts automatically for all your schools.

How to collect answers

  1. New questionnaire
    Create a new form with the desired target audience and set of questions. You may choose to exclude certain question areas if you want to keep the questionnaire shorter.
  2. Codes for the questionnaire
    To collect answers you may either open the questionnaire and use the generated shared filling code or create the needed amount of individual filling codes for all your participants.

    The shared filling code expires automatically after some time, but a new one can be easily created by opening the questionnaire again.

    The same questionnaire can be used for several years and the results compared between those times.
  3. Filling the questionnaire
    People who fill the form will be asked for a code. This can be the 7-digit shared filling code or an unused 6-digit individual filling code. They don't need any other access to the service and can fill the questionnaire using any modern browser on desktop, tablet or mobile device.

    When using the shared filling code to access the questionnaire the service will generate and display an individual filling code that the participant should store for themselves if they want to continue filling the questionnaire later.
  4. Plain text option for questionnaires
    In primary and secondary school forms, it is possible to choose a more straightforward and considerably shorter version for students who face challenges in their Finnish language literacy. The content of the questions has been kept as similar as possible to the actual questions. In the results, these clearer language responses appear as part of the corresponding actual questions. They are not shown separately.

    The selection of the clearer language version is made from the upper part of the response form under the section 'Show questions in plain language' YES | NO. We recommend that the choice be made by the survey organizer for individual students.
  5. Looking at results
    View the results by logging into the system, navigating to your school's page through the My schools -link in the service header and clicking on the View results button of the desired form.

Viewing the results

Results can be viewed over a certain questionnaire, a target audience in the school or on the city level.

Views can be filtered down to class and grade level. We protect the anonymity of the answerers and won't show any results where there are less than 5 answers.

Comparisons with school or even a certain class against the city or national level are possible. Comparing classes to each other is not supported by design.

Viewing results

Sharing the results

Giving limited access to external stakeholders like other school personnel or parents is possible within the questionnaire results. Navigate to the results of the form, select the desired view and click on "Sharing". A modal will appear and allow you to create a shared view. This shared view can be opened by anybody who knows the exact URL.

It's recommended you test the created shared view by pressing on the Open button, which will open the shared result view in another browser. If satisfied, feel free to share this result view by copying the URL and sending it to the people who should have access. Deleting the shared view will also block anybody from using the URL.

Exporting the results

Exporting the results is also possible in Excel format. Select a desired view and click on the excel export button.

Getting started

Managing your school

Inviting and removing school admins

Inviting new people to administer your schools can be done through the manage admins page. You can access the manage admins page from the right side of the school page. From the manage admins page you can also remove any existing administrators. The user accounts of the removed admins won't be deleted, but their access to the school will be revoked.

Resetting your password

In the unfortunate but likely event that you have forgotten your password you can reset it through the password reset page.